Styl nie powinien zależeć od rozmiaru. Kobieta pokazuje się w kreacjach gwiazd

Katie Sturino pokazuje nam, że pulchniejsze kobiety wcale nie są skazane na nudne trendy w modzie. Regularnie zamieszcza ona na swoim Instagramie fotografie, na których naśladuje kreacje i styl gwiazd, udowadniając, że styl wcale nie musi zależeć od rozmiaru.

1. Oto Katie, kobieta, która pokazała, że pewność siebie nie musi zależeć od rozmiaru ubrań.

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This is a BEFORE/AFTER series, but not in the way we traditionally think about it. 👸🏻 We are used to the idea that our lives start AFTER we lose weight. AFTER we make some change to ourselves. 🙋‍♀️ I wrote about gaining 60lbs during my divorce in @glamour and so many of you identified. I cannot tell you how “fat” I told myself I was in those before photos. How much I beat myself up. Punished myself mentally for never quite being the right size. I was never comfortable. The “After” photos reveal a girl who has accepted her body, found her confidence, chosen herself, figured out what was important and plugged into a career that allows her to spread that love and message. When I started the 12ish style, I was a size 12/14 and I thought it was very difficult to shop and I wanted to share my hacks with other women. What the site turned into was a place where many women were able to accept themselves, including me. I put the work in, healed my soul and committed to positivity. Everyday I get to hear your stories and I’m so grateful❤️

A post shared by Katie Sturino (@katiesturino) on

2. Po co dyskutować kto wygląda lepiej, skoro każdy może wyglądać świetnie?

3. Czerwona suknia w stylu Jennifer Garner

4. Jej styl inspirowany jest Meghan Markle.

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In honor of Meghan Markles baby news, I’m posting some of my fave #SuperSizeTheLook ‘s with her. But baby news can be triggering for some and for those of you struggling and those thinking of freezing their eggs, today I’m also proud to be a part of @Knixwear’s #FacesofFertility campaign and revisit my experience with freezing my own eggs. The strangest thing that I learned during the process is that nobody talks about it! I froze my eggs because I don’t know if I want to have kids, and I don’t know when I want to have kids, but I know it’s not now and I know I want to keep my options open. When I started looking into it, friends whispered doctors names and I got sad looks from acquaintances who took the egg freezing as a sign of failure. As with so many things on my platform, I want to empower women and get rid of stigmas. Fertility is shrouded with emotion, silence and misinformation. I hope you feel you can always turn to me and to the women you meet here to find support! Did you end up freezing your eggs? Please feel free to share and let’s knix the stigma! If you use the hashtag #FacesofFertility @knixwear will donate $1 to @resolve, a national infertility organization.

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5. Jennifer Aniston w czerni i bieli

6. Każdy może czuć się wygodnie w dowolnym stylu.

7. Każdy typ ciała może wyglądać stylowo.

8. Katie inspiruje swoich fanów do porzucenia kompleksów.

9. Styl Constance Wu

10. Meghan Markle to jedna z jej największych inspiracji.

